winter weather


During the winter, the weather can sometimes be unpredictable. You will want to make sure that you are prepared for anything that might occur when you travel. Weather can be anything from freezing rain to snow. You will want to make sure that you and your vehicle are equipped to deal with whatever weather condition. You will want to make sure that the windshield wipers are in the best condition possible. There should not be any chips, tears, or rips on the rubber of the wipers. If the wipers have these, then there is a chance that it will not clean the windshield as effectively as it should. When there is an issue, make sure the wipers are replaced as soon as possible.

Clear off all the windows

You will want your vehicle to be cleared off of any snow or ice as well. Doing so will help to improve the visibility when you drive. The windshield should be fully cleared off so you can see everything around you. Scraping only a spot on the drivers side will not allow you to be aware of everything on the road. Always make sure to scrape the side windows of your vehicle as well. The rear window will also need to be scraped clear as well. Even know it is behind you, you will need to know of traffic around you.

Warm up your car

If you start the vehicle before you start scraping windows, the defrost heat will help to warm up the windshield. It will help loosen up any thick ice that may have formed on the windshield or windows. The defrost running can also help to warm up the interior of your vehicle as well. This can make for a more warm and comfortable ride for you and your passengers when you drive.